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“I find it astounding that Sun Tzu wrote so many truths twenty-five centuries ago that are so applicable today. I think this little book shows so clearly what is still being done wrong, and why our present opponent is so successful in some areas. Even more importantly, I believe The Art of War shows quite clearly how to take the initiative and combat the enemy-any enemy...I believe very much, Sun Tzu’s knowledge is vital to our survival. It can give us the protection we need to watch our children grow in peace, and thrive peacefully...”

James Clavell
Novelist of many Asian Saga bestsellers

“It is popular today to think of The Art of War as a practical guidebook for any number of activities that require strategy, from sports and normal business affairs  to affairs of the heart. And it can just be that, provided that you are willing to see the world in which you live and work as a network of actual and potential combat zones, where the stakes are high, and struggle is the primary mode of being; where no one is to be trusted, and survival depends on unconditional victory. War, then, becomes not merely a metaphor of everyday life, but a state of mind.”

Stefan Rudnicki
Actor and producer

“Today’s battles are information battles because information determines both perception and opinion. Those who use information weapons effectively, both to attack and to defend, will win. Those who do not will lose. Sun Tzu’s ancient wisdom for fighting traditional battles applies equally well to fighting information battles.”

Donald G. Krause
Management guru

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